Posted by John Ferguson Smart
12th August 2019
Modern web applications are asynchronous by nature. So knowing how to wait for elements, before trying to interact with them, is an essential skill in modern test automation. Many testers pepper their web tests with Thread.sleep() statements, but this is the sub-optimal at best. It slows down the tests, makes them more brittle, and can…
Posted by John Ferguson Smart
5th August 2019
Cucumber 4 has a lot of new features which can help make our Cucumber test automation code cleaner and more expressive. But there are also some big changes under the hood! Fortunately, Serenity BDD is here to help. The Serenity BDD Book has a brand new and very detailed guide on working with Cucumber 4,…
Posted by John Ferguson Smart
29th July 2019
When we write automated acceptance tests we often need to perform some initial tasks to prepare test data or set up the test environment. Likewise, when a test finishes, we often need to tidy up the database or put the environment into a clean state. With Serenity BDD and Cucumber, there are several ways to…
Posted by John Ferguson Smart
23rd June 2019
Assertions are an important part of any test automation framework, and Serenity gives us many options. You can of course use standard JUnit, Hamcrest or AssertJ assertions at any point in a Screenplay test. But more recent versions of Serenity Screenplay provide an alternative approach, which many developers find easier to use and faster to…
Posted by John Ferguson Smart
18th April 2019
Join John Ferguson Smart in Madrid this June at Expo:QA and learn the finer points of Advanced BDD Test Automation practices In this workshop with John Smart, author of BDD in Action, you will be introduced to the principles and practices of applying software engineering design practices to test automation, looking at concepts such as…
Posted by John Ferguson Smart
11th March 2019
Gherkin Refactoring Patterns Good Gherkin is easy to read but hard to write. And while there are many tips and tricks for writing good Gherkin, often teams still struggle to keep their scenarios clean, informative and readable. In this talk, we will take a practical look at some real-world Gherkin scenarios, and see why they…
Posted by John Ferguson Smart
John Ferguson Smart is an international speaker, consultant, author and trainer well known in the Agile community for his many books, articles and presentations, particularly in areas such as BDD, TDD, test automation, software craftsmanship and team collaboration. John is the author of the best-selling BDD in Action, as well as Jenkins: The Definitive Guide…
Posted by John Ferguson Smart
It was the time of Da Vinci and Michelangelo. It was also the time of Machiavelli and the Medici. Artists working on timeless masterpieces crossed paths with mercenary captains, contracted to do a very specific job. In this keynote talk, John Smart will address important questions with deep implications for any IT team, or any…
Posted by John Ferguson Smart
13th February 2019
This tutorial show you how to get started with REST-API testing using Serenity and Cucumber 4. Get the code Git: git clone cd serenity-rest-starter Or simply download a zip file. The starter project The best place to start with Serenity and Cucumber is to clone or download the starter project on Github ( This project…
Posted by John Ferguson Smart
6th February 2019
Serenity BDD is a library that makes it easier to write high quality automated acceptance tests, with powerful reporting and living documentation features. It has strong support for both web testing with Selenium, and API testing using RestAssured. Serenity strongly encourages good test automation design, and supports several design patterns, including classic Page Objects, the…
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