Learn BDD and Test Automation from the author of BDD In Action!

Learn real-world BDD and agile test automation from a renown industry expert and author John Ferguson Smart. And set yourself apart from your peers.

The Serenity Dojo Expansion Programme teaches testers how to write powerful and scaleable test automation frameworks and deliver high quality automated tests faster using cutting edge learning science and the revolutionary Flipped Testing model.

"The best investment I have ever made in my career" - Chrissie, Lead QA Engineer 

The goal of the programme is to give you the tools and the mindset shift to transform the way both you and your organisation approach test automation and software delivery as a whole.

"It's helping with my current work straight away" - Fayaz, QA Manager 

The course gives you the principles you need to write your own Test Collaboration Framework, an automation framework that facilitates and enhances collaboration within the team and between the team and the business. The program also shows you how to implement BDD effectively within your organisation using a simple 6-stage process.

"This training program is the Real Deal" - David Leon, QA Engineer

Using a powerful combination of self-paced online training, fast feedback and live mentoring and coaching, the Serenity Expansion Programme gives students a proven path to mastering agile test automation.

"This course is for anyone who is serious about their test automation career" - Shazia, SDET

Book a call today to see if the programme would be a good fit for you!

Ask John To Help Your Teams Grow

John runs a comprehensive series of very popular training workshops to help teams adopt BDD and other modern agile delivery practices. John uses a pragmatic, tailored approach to training that ensures your teams are up and running faster!

All of these workshops are run as public courses or onsite courses that can be tailored to the needs of your team. Our onsite courses can be run either physically onsite, or remotely using a virtual classroom. Get in touch for more details!

Check out our BDD and Test Automation Training Programme.

Looking for online training in Test Automation and Serenity BDD? Take a look at our NEW ONLINE TRAINING PROGRAMME.

Public (classroom) courses

Public training courses in London and Europe

Onsite or "virtual-classroom" training

Onsite training for your team within your offices or remotely via a “virtual classroom”

Online BDD and Test Automation Training

Professional development and test automation practices anytime, anywhere.

The Serenity Dojo mentoring programme

The most comprehensive training and mentoring programme in BDD, Test Automation and Software Craftsmanship on the market.

Wakaleo Consulting and the XSCALE Alliance – Advancing Agile in UK!

Wakaleo Consulting is proud to be associated with the XSCALE Alliance, a global community aimed at developing Agile Organisations and identifying and sharing Agile principles and best practices.

Workshop Target Audience Key Outcomes
Business & Product Owner BAs Developers Testers
BDD Bootstrap The best way for teams starting on new projects to learn the right practices and tools to succeed from the word “go!”
eXponential Business Agility (XBA) Practitioner Learn to budget, prioritise and plan features based on business outcomes and return on investments
Low Tech, High Impact Sprint Planning The fast track from user stories to executable acceptance criteria and low-defect, high value software.
The Power of Collaborative Requirements Discovery Learn to work effectively with delivery teams using BDD
BDD in Action: Mastering Agile Requirements Learn how to use BDD within a team to deliver higher value, higher quality features sooner
BDD in Action: BDD, TDD and Clean Coding Higher quality code with fewer defects that is easier to understand and maintain
BDD in Action: Advanced BDD Test Automation Solid, robust, and sustainable automated acceptance tests
Accelerated Delivery through Measurable Outcomes Define measurable outcomes and choose relevant and quantifiable metrics that can both guide your projects and make your teams more creative and more engaged
Workshop: Agile Product Planning
Target Audience
Business & Product Owner BAs Developers Testers
Key Outcomes
Learn to budget, prioritise and plan features based on business outcomes and return on investments
Workshop: The Power of Collaborative Requirements Discovery
Target Audience
Business & Product Owner BAs Developers Testers
Key Outcomes
Learn to work effectively with delivery teams using BDD
Workshop: BDD in Action: Mastering Agile Requirements
Target Audience
Business & Product Owner BAs Developers Testers
Key Outcomes
Learn how to use BDD within a team to deliver higher value, higher quality features sooner
Workshop: BDD in Action: BDD, TDD and Clean Coding
Target Audience
Business & Product Owner BAs Developers Testers
Key Outcomes
Higher quality code with fewer defects that is easier to understand and maintain
Workshop: BDD in Action: Advanced BDD Test Automation
Target Audience
Business & Product Owner BAs Developers Testers
Key Outcomes
Solid, robust, and sustainable automated acceptance tests

The Serenity Dojo Expansion Programme

The Serenity Expansion Programme teaches testers how to write powerful and scaleable test automation frameworks and deliver high-quality automated tests faster using the revolutionary Flipped Testing model.

The goal of the programme is to give you the tools and the mindset shift to transform the way your organisation approaches both test automation and software delivery as a whole.

The course gives you the principles you need to write your own Test Collaboration Framework, an automation framework that facilitates and enhances collaboration within the team and between the team and the business.

The program also shows you how to implement BDD effectively within your organisation using a simple 6-stage process.

Using a powerful combination of self-paced online training, fast feedback and live mentoring and coaching, the Serenity Expansion Programme gives students a proven path to mastering agile test automation.

Upcoming Public Courses

Our mission is to help you create high-performance, high-impact teams with state-of-the-art skills in BDD, test automation and software craftsmanship. Teams passionate about delivering value to their organizations, and with a self-sustaining culture of excellence and continual improvement.

John is the founder and technical lead of the Serenity BDD Open Source library. Serenity BDD helps you write better, more effective automated acceptance tests, and use these acceptance tests to produce world-class test reports and functional documentation.

© 2019 John Ferguson Smart